
Photo of the Day...

I decided to start a project. "Photo of the Day" and you can see it here on Flickr:

I decided not to post them here on my Blog because that's just extra work. I am going to try and get a fresh, new picture up every day for 365 days! I am not going to become one of those people that blog the same exact thing that is on their website. I understand how that could work as double marketing technique but in the words of Gob Bluth "COME ON!"

Also!! My website is almost done! Check it out here:

We are still working on it but have been so busy lately that it's taking a bit longer than expected. I am really grateful for Justin for helping me (okay, he did most of it) create this masterpiece! Justin:

He is a master of all things font and website-y.


The Top 30 Things You Would Hate About Me

1. I am stubborn.
2. I have a temper. (fire sign)
3. Will use sharp, cutting wit as needed.
4. If, while driving, someone does something that I don't like, I let them know.
5. I can smell every little thing and will let you know each time I don't like what I smell.
6. I don't like very many funny movies. (I think Fargo is a comedy)
7. If you tell me not to do something I will do it twice.
8. I get hot easily. I get cold easily.
9. I am very honest.
10. The lighting in some places makes me "feel weird", so I leave.
11. I can sit in front of a computer all day.
12. When I am hungry I get crazy. No, seriously. Crazy.
13. My patience is sometimes very limited.
14. I hate bars and do not go in them.
15. I need a lot of alone time.
16. I don't like to talk on the phone.
17. I don't fly.
18. I have motion sickness.
19. I can fixate on one thing for days.
20. I am constantly thinking and will say random things at strange times.
21. It's been said I psycho-analyze everything.
22. I don't have a lot of girlfriends because girls are catty and emotional.
23. I like to travel alone.
24. I have a weird social phobia.
25. If we are in the car and you sneeze, I will roll the window down to let the germs out.
26. I am cautious.
27. If I see pretty wildflowers on the side of the road or highway I will stop and pick them.
28. I hear everything and if I cannot identify the sound we will have a problem until I figure it out.
29. I can eat the same thing for three months, then change it for the next three.
30. I love crime shows.


Good enough

My father went into the hospital on Valentines Day and was diagnosed with cancer that week.

Since then I have been doing a lot of thinking. What am I doing? Where am I going? Is my chosen profession really the one I should be in? Is my father going to die? Will he make it through the radiation and chemo? Am I doing enough? Should I spend more time at home with my family? Am I going to feel lonely when I get old? Who will take care of me when I get sick? Am I good enough?

Photography is my medium. I tried most of them during high school and in college but I keep coming back to photography. It's been the only thing that's gotten me through this deeply reflective and deeply poignant time. My dad had a dark room when I was a teenager and I used to mess around in it with him. I always loved his images and he has a great eye.

For many years I told myself I wasn't good enough. I compared myself to other photographers. I couldn't do what they could in Photoshop. My camera equipment was never good enough. My website wouldn't be that good. I need more models. I don't have enough images to create a website. Etc...etc...etc.

So, with a little encouragement and positive self-talk I decided to go through with it. I am in the process of creating a website (with some help from a friend). In the last two weeks I have taken photos of 4 couples and 3 individuals. I learned how to use Photoshop and perfect my images the way I wanted to and because of this have gained a lot of confidence.

If it weren't for my sadness, my anger and my self-reflection, I would not have gotten this far in such a short amount of time. Thanks, Dad.